Monday, 28 November 2011

"Short Biography of Fr. Chaminade"



Bl. William Joseph Chaminade was born in Périgueux, France, in 1761. He was the 14th child of a deeply Christian family:  besides William Joseph, three of his brothers were priests. In 1771 he entered the minor seminary of Mussidan and four years later made private vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. He was ordained a priest in 1785.

In 1790 after the outbreak of the French Revolution, he moved to Bordeaux, where he spent most of his life. In 1791 he refused to take the oath of the so-called Civil Constitution of the Clergy and clandestinely exercised his priestly ministry, putting his life in constant danger. At this time he came to know the Ven. Marie-Thérèse Charlotte de Lamourous (1754-1836), who was one of his closest collaborators and whom he later helped to found the Miséricorde in Bordeaux to aid fallen women. In 1795 he was given the delicate task of receiving back into the Diocese priests who, having taken the constitutional oath, wanted to make their peace with the Church. He facilitated the reconciliation of some 50 priests.

In 1797, during the reign of the Directorate, he was forced to immigrate to Zaragoza, Spain, where he lived for three years. Near the Shrine of Our Lady of the Pillar, he forged his Marian-apostolic convictions and was inspired to found a family of religious and laity dedicated to Mary. In November 1800 he returned to Bordeaux and re-founded the old Marian Sodality on a new basis.
He made every effort to give his sodalists solid religious formation and directed them towards precise apostolic objectives, encouraging them to offer to an indifferent and de-Christianized society "the spectacle of a people of saints". This sodality would be the basis of his untiring evangelizing activity, aimed at the re-Christianization of France.
During these years he was named Apostolic Administrator for the reorganization of the Diocese of Bazas. In 1801 he received the title of Missionary Apostolic from the Holy See. It was the official confirmation of his insights into the Church in this new era.
Fr Chaminade viewed his own ministry and that of the Marian Sodalities as a permanent mission directed towards formation in the faith, using new methods and working in close alliance with Mary.
The Sodality of Bordeaux spread to other cities of the region and throughout France through groups that asked for affiliation because they wished to follow Fr Chaminade's inspiration and methods. He fostered some groups of young men and women who, desiring greater dedication, made private vows and dedicated themselves to the apostolate of the Sodality without leaving their secular work.
In 1816, together with the Ven. Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon (1789-1828), he founded at Agen the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate, and the following year, at Bordeaux, the Society of Mary. His first members, who would later be called Marianists, were members of the Marian Sodalities, men and women who wished to respond to the Lord with a more radical commitment, an extension of their baptismal consecration and of their devotion to the Virgin Mary.
The two institutes developed rapidly in France and in 1839 received the decretum laudis from Pope Gregory XVI. Since teaching was a primary need at that time, both institutes of Marianists dedicated themselves to primary and secondary schools and to trade schools. They taught in order to educate and form their pupils in the faith. Fr Chaminade also conceived an ambitious project to establish a network of teachers' schools for Christian education. Some of these schools were founded by sisters and brothers, but the 1830 Revolution made their continuation impossible.
During these years Fr Chaminade gave priority to drafting the Constitutions and wrote important circulars on consecration-covenant with Mary and on Marianist religious life. The Society of Mary continued to grow in France, then in Switzerland (1839) and the United States of America (1849).
After 1836 the Daughters of Mary established a number of rural schools in south-western France for the education and advancement of women.
The last 10 years of his life were a time of severe trial:  health problems, financial difficulties, the departure of some disciples, misunderstandings and distrust, obstacles to the exercise of his mission as founder. He faced these difficulties with great confidence in Mary, faithful to his conscience and to the Church, filled with faith and charity. He died peacefully in Bordeaux, surrounded by many of his sons, on 22 January 1850.

"Rule of Life" Document 1 "Institute of the Daughters of Mary" by Balaswamy

Document 1
“Institute of the Daughters of Mary” (Grand Institut) – 1815
*December, 1815: David Monier, he was lawyer & Secretary of WJC, drafted a set of basic rules (501 articles) for the First Community of Marianist sisters.
*501 articles underwent revision & Criticism
*This Document even for First religious community of Men (Marianists)
Grand Institut became Petit Institut (document cut short to small 501 articles)
Grand Institut for both Marianist Religious & Sisters served till 1839 Constitution
“Institute” – is a society of a number of persons who bind themselves to a rule of common life & strive for the same end.
Institute: Original basic rules later on general regulations
Part One
The purpose of the Institute:
Support in Common Life under protection of Mary
1.      Striving together toward evangelical perfection.
2.      To draw into the ways of salvation
Respecting their own vocation
To work in the Secular world
3.      Learn to deal with unavoidable dealings in the Secular world.
Perfect fidelity to the Rules
Are we frightened because of our Human Weaknesses to follow these rules?
We have power of Grace (Powers of nature aren’t enough)
Part One
1st objective of the Institute
·         To Strive for Evangelical Perfection
*Merely following the Commandments is not enough but Counsels of Jesus Christ.
*Jesus Christ glorifies His Father through us (Earthly nature)
*Sublime perfection is only possible by flowing God
*Solid progress towards perfection only comes by constant work daily.
*We have damaged nature, so to repair we must walk the way of the cross. (Difficulties, troubles...)
*Christian Perfection is holy humility. Ex: August Mother, apostles, disciples
*Worrying about Duration for perfection will not help us. Only through Hope we go ahead.

Chapter two
2nd object: To draw into the ways of salvation persons of the world.
            *Under the law of Jesus, Charity, to renounce the world.
            *The perfection of counsel attained or perused before persons of the world and to fulfill it.
*Humble and fervent prayer toward heaven, prayer addressed to God of Abraham and of Jacob taught to the chosen people, finally the Messiah in bringing redemption!
*If not always ready to let themselves be moved, prayer not always effective, third sign applied to retreats, instructions.
Chapter three
3rd object: To maintain oneself through wise precautions in pristine fidelity to the rules.
            *Fervor has created institutes; contagion of the world has corrupted them.
            *It is no longer opportune for a society of Christians to exist without relation with the outside.
            *The dealing with the world does not open it to be affected by its contagion.
Constitutions of the Society of Mary 1839
        in 1828, WJC felt the need for some clarification of basic guidelines and objectives
       In order to answer to some questions about Spirit, Spirituality, mission, formation and administration.
       With the help of Fr. Lalanne, WJC composed & revised a text in 1828
       Because of his long absence from Bordeaux and visitation of all communities, he thought of redoing the text
       Constitutions of the Society of Mary 1839
       In 1834  First book
       In 1838  Second book, same year he submitted for the approval of the Holy See
       In 1839, WJC published the Constitutions of the Society of Mary
       The Object of the Society and its Spirit
Objects:  To raise each of its members, with the grace of God, to religious perfection
Ø  This object has the Christian perfection
       Object: To work in the world for the salvation of souls by upholding and spreading, through means adapted to the needs and spirit of the times, the teachings of the Gospel, the virtues of Christianity and the practices of the Ca. Church.
Ø  This object motives the zeal for the salvation of souls
Ø  For the Marianist, devotion to Mary is important point in the imitation of Jesus Christ.
       On the Vow of Stability
       By this vow, we Marianists intend  to establish ourselves permanently and irrevocably as the servant of Mary
       This vow shows our devotedness to our Mother
       This vow is made with the intention of never depriving the Society….
       On the Exercises of Religious Life
       Impossible to arrive at religious perfection with mental prayer
       Mental prayer should be  Made exactly
According to the method With enjoyment and with Benefit
       On the Evangelical Virtues
       The imitation of Jesus Christ means practicing the virtues that are in the Gospel
       The Gospel should be the first instruction and first example of the Marianists
       We should renounce the world and oneself as Jesus says, “if anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself….”
       On the Evangelical Virtues
       SM should not worry about today, tomorrow or about the past……..the only one thing we should have in our hearts is “to do always and everywhere what pleases God
       Particular Rules for Each Class of Professed
       They should be salt of the Society in order to prevent the Society from degeneration from its primitive spirit and from its first fervor
       They should be light….to prevent the Society from ever compromising the true principles of the ways of Religious perfection….
       Particular Rules for Each Class of Professed
Teaching Laymen:
       The priests do not teach concurrently with the Brothers….
       Primary schools for the Brothers……
       No distinction among the brothers, one maybe teacher in arts, one maybe in science, but now distinction
       Particular Rules for Each Class of Professed
Working Brothers:
       Are generally formers…taking care of the property of the SM
       These brothers should stir up a pious jealousy in Priests and the Teaching brothers.
       Guided by superiors
       Their hearts are more habitually directed towards God.

Presentation on the "Letters of Fr. Chaminade 6th and 7th" Letters By Bala

Documents 12-13: “Letters to a master of novices” – 1835-1836)
1835- WJC visits French Comte & Alsace – New Novitiate (Fr. Metzer Novice Master)
From St. Remy WJC wrote lengthy letters of guidance in his task
Letters consisted of the Founder’s mature ideas about Religious Formation
Core Points of the letters (6th and 7th letters)
-Mystical Body of Christ
-Headship of Christ
*Letters have few ideas of 17th and 18th century French Spiritual writers /WJC made their thoughts, fully his own
* Fr. Chevaux copied these letters- text is taken from Fr. Chevaux copied letters
Document 12: (Marianist Direction: Vol.3, nos. 149-170)
-WJC called his members “My esteemed Son”
-Our bodies’ members, members make up the body of Christ
-Our bodies are temple of the Holy Sprit
-Relation of Head to members, members to head is eternal
-So, we (Our Bodies) must service Christ (through 3 vows)
But How are we members of Christ
Two bodies in Jesus
1.       Natural Body – womb of the August Mary
2.       Mystical Body – St. Thomas Aquinas says it is Church
By Holy Communion we became one in this union
We must have Spiritual Union in Jesus
We must be animated with His Spirit that is HOLY SPIRIT, it animates the humanity
The Eucharist is an extension of the incarnation
-Explain sacraments mainly Baptism & Eucharist to Novices
-Baptism & Penance separate us from body of devil & make us one with the Body of Christ
-Great truth of our incorporation in Jesus; Realize it
-Teach sacraments to a depth – especially Baptism & Eucharist
-Other sacraments increase & perfect our union in Jesus
Explain how Jesus is the Head of the Christians (Ex: Ephesians 1:22)
Jesus is Head of the Church
1.       Jesus hold first place in mystical body – spirit & soul give life to entire body
2.       Jesus united very closely to the body of Church – He can’t be separated
What forms this intimate union between members and Christ?
1.       This great union formed by the Holy Spirit – Jesus received it & it communicates to us
2.       This great union formed by the Sacraments – veins & channels that carry the blood, spirit & life of Jesus into each member
3.       This great union formed by Faith, Hope, Charity  & by the Word of God (virtues of Jesus Christ)

4.     Document 13: (Marianist Direction: Vol.3, nos. 171-180)
7th Letter (To a Master of Novices)
The immediate Consequences Follow:
1.       Without this union branches can’t bear fruit – Separated from Christ then one has always state of indocility, pride, rebellion
2.       By means of this union, the branches bear much fruit Ex:  Last Judgment
Two kinds of bodies
a.       Though visible body of Christ – Evil is their Head
b.      People with mystical body of Christ  - Christ is their Head

Mary is the Neck – Head is Christ
Virgin is only a simple channel, through whom all graces and the very author of graces come to us

DOCUMENT 17: “Manual of Direction to the Religious Life and Virtues in the Society of Mary” – 1829
(Marianist Direction: Vol.3. nos.1-36)
The Manual Presupposes:
Subjects who need direction are full of good will
Directors must assure this good will in the subjects
Sometimes, even danger to explain these beautiful paths of Christian & Religious perfection to those still under the clutches of tyranny in their vocation
Director must convince their subjects:
Salvation and Sanctification are at one and the same time the work of God and the work of human person
Director must posses’ knowledge of God’s ways
if new guide – Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit

Preliminary notions

1.       I Believe in God  - 2nd and 3rd articles – “I believe in Jesus Christ Born of the Virgin Mary”
Key: to know your true God is Jesus who you sent
Second article of Creed - “Our Lord” –Jesus is our master who died to us
2.       Give notions of these 3 words
I Believe in God
I Believe in Jesus
More Notions of Faith: Council of Trent (its 3 words)
·         Faith is the beginning, the foundation & the root of all our justification
3.       Director must emphasize “Only” “Only Son” of the Father (Fundamental Truth)
4.       We are Children of disgrace of a guilty parents
By Baptism New Birth –God adopts us
5.       Our Faith – Jesus is “God-man”
Song of Songs 7:3 – Mary’s most pure womb is like grain of wheat
Mary by bringing Jesus into this world brought us Life
6.       Director must warn: That the acts of faith which they produce must by accompanied by attitudes of heart, faith of the mind, alone does not sanctify
Council of Trent says: Faith that comes from the heart at the same time as from the mind was the root of all our justification “Radix tu tius Justificationis”
7.       Director will have to instruct his subjects about what we are as children of Adam
8.       To deepen our understanding of these truths and who Christ is;
a.       As our Redeemer – people by sin had abandoned God; Christ redeemed us
b.      As Our Repairer – Jesus Second Adam, repairs disorders in us and in the universe
9.       8th Article of Creed “I Believe in the Holy Spirit”
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
*Director must have great care of his subjects in explaining about the Holy Spirit
* An unspiritual person is one who does not accept anything of the Sprit of God” (I Cor 2:14)