Saturday, 19 November 2011

Chaminade's Letter 287 to Archbishop De Morlhon of Auch

Letter 287- To Archbishop De Morlhon, Archbishop of Auch
Establishing a new community of the daughters of Mary in the city of Condom
Fr. Chaminade planed to establish a community in the city of Condom where there was no religious community of daughters of Mary.
Since the archbishop was not aware of the establishment, he wrote this letter to convey the message of establishing a community.
The daughters of Mary, bearing the name of Mother Mary, have placed themselves under the protection of the holy Virgin.
 They have adopted some of the rules drawn from St. Benedict for their religious order.
 The most difficult task and danger of the religious is that focusing much on the institution rather their spiritual life.
It threatens them when the religious body busies itself in teaching. So, we have to balance the ministry and our spiritual life. But the daughters of Mary is in this situation everywhere.
They are to work out their sanctification, to lead many others to sanctity and at the same time to protect themselves against the dangers they face
They are under the direction of a Mother Superior and by three principal heads having the titles of Mother of Zeal, Mother of Instruction, and Mother of Work.
Humility, modesty, abnegation of self, complete renunciation of the world are the virtues which are most recommended to them to attain.

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