Documents 12-13: “Letters to a master of novices” – 1835-1836)
1835- WJC visits French Comte & Alsace – New Novitiate (Fr. Metzer Novice Master)
From St. Remy WJC wrote lengthy letters of guidance in his task
Letters consisted of the Founder’s mature ideas about Religious Formation
Core Points of the letters (6th and 7th letters)
-Mystical Body of Christ
-Headship of Christ
*Letters have few ideas of 17th and 18th century French Spiritual writers /WJC made their thoughts, fully his own
* Fr. Chevaux copied these letters- text is taken from Fr. Chevaux copied letters
Document 12: (Marianist Direction: Vol.3, nos. 149-170)
-WJC called his members “My esteemed Son”
-Our bodies’ members, members make up the body of Christ
-Our bodies are temple of the Holy Sprit
-Relation of Head to members, members to head is eternal
-So, we (Our Bodies) must service Christ (through 3 vows)
But How are we members of Christ
Two bodies in Jesus
1. Natural Body – womb of the August Mary
2. Mystical Body – St. Thomas Aquinas says it is Church
By Holy Communion we became one in this union
We must have Spiritual Union in Jesus
We must be animated with His Spirit that is HOLY SPIRIT, it animates the humanity
The Eucharist is an extension of the incarnation
-Explain sacraments mainly Baptism & Eucharist to Novices
-Baptism & Penance separate us from body of devil & make us one with the Body of Christ
-Great truth of our incorporation in Jesus; Realize it
-Teach sacraments to a depth – especially Baptism & Eucharist
-Other sacraments increase & perfect our union in Jesus
Explain how Jesus is the Head of the Christians (Ex: Ephesians 1:22)
Jesus is Head of the Church
1. Jesus hold first place in mystical body – spirit & soul give life to entire body
2. Jesus united very closely to the body of Church – He can’t be separated
What forms this intimate union between members and Christ?
1. This great union formed by the Holy Spirit – Jesus received it & it communicates to us
2. This great union formed by the Sacraments – veins & channels that carry the blood, spirit & life of Jesus into each member
3. This great union formed by Faith, Hope, Charity & by the Word of God (virtues of Jesus Christ)
4. Document 13: (Marianist Direction: Vol.3, nos. 171-180)
7th Letter (To a Master of Novices)
The immediate Consequences Follow:
1. Without this union branches can’t bear fruit – Separated from Christ then one has always state of indocility, pride, rebellion
2. By means of this union, the branches bear much fruit Ex: Last Judgment
Two kinds of bodies
a. Though visible body of Christ – Evil is their Head
b. People with mystical body of Christ - Christ is their Head
Mary is the Neck – Head is Christ
Virgin is only a simple channel, through whom all graces and the very author of graces come to us
DOCUMENT 17: “Manual of Direction to the Religious Life and Virtues in the Society of Mary” – 1829
(Marianist Direction: Vol.3. nos.1-36)
The Manual Presupposes:
Subjects who need direction are full of good will
Directors must assure this good will in the subjects
Sometimes, even danger to explain these beautiful paths of Christian & Religious perfection to those still under the clutches of tyranny in their vocation
Director must convince their subjects:
Salvation and Sanctification are at one and the same time the work of God and the work of human person
Director must posses’ knowledge of God’s ways
if new guide – Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit
Preliminary notions
1. I Believe in God - 2nd and 3rd articles – “I believe in Jesus Christ Born of the Virgin Mary”
Key: to know your true God is Jesus who you sent
Second article of Creed - “Our Lord” –Jesus is our master who died to us
2. Give notions of these 3 words
I Believe in God
I Believe in Jesus
More Notions of Faith: Council of Trent (its 3 words)
· Faith is the beginning, the foundation & the root of all our justification
3. Director must emphasize “Only” “Only Son” of the Father (Fundamental Truth)
4. We are Children of disgrace of a guilty parents
By Baptism New Birth –God adopts us
5. Our Faith – Jesus is “God-man”
Song of Songs 7:3 – Mary’s most pure womb is like grain of wheat
Mary by bringing Jesus into this world brought us Life
6. Director must warn: That the acts of faith which they produce must by accompanied by attitudes of heart, faith of the mind, alone does not sanctify
Council of Trent says: Faith that comes from the heart at the same time as from the mind was the root of all our justification “Radix tu tius Justificationis”
7. Director will have to instruct his subjects about what we are as children of Adam
8. To deepen our understanding of these truths and who Christ is;
a. As our Redeemer – people by sin had abandoned God; Christ redeemed us
b. As Our Repairer – Jesus Second Adam, repairs disorders in us and in the universe
9. 8th Article of Creed “I Believe in the Holy Spirit”
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
*Director must have great care of his subjects in explaining about the Holy Spirit
* An unspiritual person is one who does not accept anything of the Sprit of God” (I Cor 2:14)
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