Saturday 19 November 2011

"Chaminade's Letter to Fr. Caillet 1825" by Bro. Ishmael

Universality in Profession life
Bordeaux ,June, 16,1825
To Fr. Caillet, Paris
I believe that the costume of the Society of Mary will be sufficiently distinctive, as you have indicated. As regards the ring , I think  I have already spoken to you about it. It will also have its little and modest distinction, according to the ranks and offices.  I am having the teachers for the normal schools seriously prepared.
     Fr. Chaminade
What makes us to be a Marianists?
The Marianists cross
the cloths we wear
making profession
Living community life
Running schools
Fr.Chaminade says, the Will of God for you is that
To be prudent
Without undue haste
Without negligence
To obtain the royal ordinance which will authorize the Society of Mary in the form it receives from its statute s
Humble no doubt
Modest and favoring  modesty
Without being in sharp contrast  with the ideas and tastes of the century  in which God has  called  us  in to  existence.
To be Model
We are to attract people and especially youth.
We are to attract in every  way: by our mild, amiable, patient manners, etc.
What difference can we bring in the life of people today?
How shall we differentiate ourselves  with the people in the present world?
What makes us to be called Marianists?

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